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Wall Writing: The Words and Symbols
The abundant writing in Cappadocian cave churches are theologically and historically important. Learn how to understand the writing.

The Virgin Mary, Theotokos
Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, was highly revered by Orthodox Christians and often depicted in Cappadocian cave churches. She is known...

The Cross
The cross is the primary symbol of Christianity. This symbol of Jesus’ crucifixion expresses the heart of Christian truth—Jesus’ death...

Saints & Icons: The 9 Types
The main subject in all churches’ frescos is people. Some churches have well over two hundred faces. This article explains the identity...

Pantocrator: The Most Important Icon
The most important Christian icon is Christ Pantocrator. This image portrays Jesus as the world’s sovereign ruler. Christ Pantocrator was...

Paintings & Frescos
People visit cave churches for a simple reason—the painted pictures. Cappadocia has 100s of cave churches, but people only visit the few...
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